The 3 Body Problem

Most are aware of the recent release of #UFO files by the Pentagon. And that there were many UFO sightings that could not be explained. Imagine now that we try make contact with Extra Terrestrials (#ET )and succeed. The #Aliens reply back with a worrying message. It is clear these Aliens are a much more technologically advanced than human civilisation.

How would you respond to the Alien message? Would you welcome them and send the coordinates to find our planet?

Those are the questions that form the main premise for the 3 Body Problem. I being a SciFi nerd , have already read the great novel (three books) by China’s foremost SciFi writer, Cixin Liu. It has won SciFi highest literally award: The Nebula prize. I highly recommend you read it.

The book is not only about Science, and Aliens, and the Cosmos. One learns a lot of Chinese history and customs. It also has a deep philosophical discussions on the human race and the damage we are doing to the planet. As well as our fear of the Other, the real Aliens, the ones outside our normal experiences and expectations. It ponders whether the fundamental nature of matter could really be lawlessness or chaos? The universe progresses into increase in entropy , lack of order or predictability gradually falling into disorder. How videos games of AI reality level can indoctrinate and strongly influence human minds. Mentions how a woman should be like water, able to flow over and around everything. The main protagonist is a woman scientist.

Now #Netflix has made series on the #3BodyProblem . I watched all episodes. It is a good show but many differences to the books where most protagonists are Chinese. Even so I enjoyed it and recommend you view it especially if you are SciFi nerd or just love UFO and ET stories.

Mars, A Dead Red Planet

Volcanoes are important since they vent gases from a Planet’s interior that resupply its atmosphere. Three billion years ago volcanic activity terminated on Mars. Why? Its internal molten core areas had cooled and solidified.

Results: No resupply of its atmosphere. And weakening of its magnetic field since there were not rotation of molten magma in its interior.

The magnetic field forms shield of protection to the atmosphere from the continual bombardment of energetic solar particles called the Solar Wind. Eventually the Solar Wind blew all the atmosphere into outer space. With no atmospheric pressure the water on Mars which believed to be an 500m deep ocean, could not remain liquid . So in areas where it was quite cold it formed the polar ice and other areas it went below ground as soil ice and the rest just evaporated away into outer space.

Overall end game: A Dead Red Planet.